Even before issue 14 hits the streets the Kampot Survival Guide has already promoted its latest staff member.
Irvin S no less, has inspired the management so much that he has been rapidly shifted to the pinnacle of Kampot Survival Guide rankings, he is indeed an
ACE Reporter!
All Praise should go to him.
Expect to see Irvin credited as ACE from issue 15 onwards.
KSG News.Kampot Survival Guide print run exceeds that of several PP glossy rags. (this one is a fact!)
Local GH expels Lonely Planet reporter in error.
Reports of land mines on new bridge proven false.
Frenchman seen in Kep.
The Bar-Red one year open party still secret to those not invited.
KSG Help Request.The Kampot Survival Guide requires help, as well you know, or don't know, we do this all for nothing. All the advertising revenue is spent on printing, yep we are daft but its a bit of fun and it helps visitors stop asking the same old questions, and thus annoying x-pats. What we need is passing people who know a little about IT, the internet, blogs, webshites n stuff, the things me as a stoopid come backwards Kampoter can't do.
What we want to do is make our little guide fit on the net, its not right as a blog, it should be set up as a site, with pictures. All this we (I) have but not the net knoledge we need.
So start volunteering, or I will send me X-Wife to visit your parents!